Reasonable Efforts - Preventing Placement - Services 624-05-15-15-15
(Revised 2/10/07 ML #3053)
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Reasonable efforts to prevent placement as described in the Wraparound case management process. Wraparound case management is a strengths-based definable process involving the child and family that results in a unique set of community services and supports individualized for that child and family. Wraparound is a team driven process that focuses on least restrictive methods of care and uses the family's strengths, preferences, and choices in the process whenever possible. This process includes an assessment of risk, needs, strengths, and safety for the child and family. A behaviorally specific treatment plan, Single Plan of Care (SPOC), with defined goals and tasks for team members is the result.
Reasonable efforts to prevent placement could include: Family Preservation Services designed to help families alleviate crises that might lead to out-of-home placement of children while maintaining the health and safety of children in their own homes. These services focus on family strengths and competencies. They are intense and time-limited. The child and family team process will guide which family preservation services can best meet the needs of the child and family. Reasonable efforts requires offering appropriate services to meet the needs of the family with professional judgment and due diligence.
Family Preservation Services include the following:
- Parent Aide Services (Service Chapter 627-01)
- Intensive In-Home Family Services (Service Chapter 627-02)
- Respite Care Services (Service Chapter 627-03)
- Safety/Permanency Funds (Service Chapter 627-04)
- Prime Time Child Care (Service Chapter 627-05)
- Wraparound Case Management (Service Chapter 641-01)
- Crossroads Service (Service Chapter 620-15).
Other services may be provided to the child or parent(s) to prevent placement of the child as recommended by the Child and Family Team. These services may include:
- Child Protective Services
- Mental Health Services
- Drug and Alcohol Addiction Evaluation and Treatment Services
- Psychological/Psychiatric Evaluation and Services
- Child Care Services and Crossroad Program for Minor Parents
- Sexual Abuse Treatment
- Case Management for children with severe emotional disturbances
- Safety Permanency Funds
- Family group decision making conference